Directed by Josef Astor Produced by Jody Shields & Jonathan Ferrantelli Released by Impact Partners/This Is That USA. 77 min. Not Rated The list...
Written & directed by Deborah Chow Edited by Jonathan Alberts & Benjamin Duffield Cinematography by Claudine Sauvé Cast: Zach Braff, Isabelle...
Directed by Adam Reid Written by Adam Reid Edited by Adam Reid Cinematography by Adam Reid With James Urbaniak, Lynn Cohen, Harry Chase & Nate...
Directed by Janus Metz, based on an idea by Kasper Torsting Produced by Ronnie Fridthjof & Sara Stockmann Released by Lorber Films Danish...
Director: Douglas McGrath Cinematography by Tim Orr With Jerry Weintraub, George Clooney, George Bush, Barbara Bush, James Caan, Matt Damon, et al...
Produced & directed by Matt Harlock & Paul Thomas Released by Variance Films UK. 101 min. Not Rated In January 2009, nearly 15 years after...
Produced & directed by Aaron Schock Written by Schock & Mark Becker Released by First Run Features Spanish with English subtitles...
Directed by Caroline Bottaro Produced by Dominique Besneard & Michel Feller Written by Bottaro & Caroline Maly, based on the novel...
Directed by Bruce McDonald Written by Don McKellar Cinematography by John Price Edited by Matthew Hannam & Gareth C. Scales Cast: Greg Calderone...
Written & directed by John Gray Produced by Gray, Melissa Jo Peltier, Paul Bernard & James Scura Released by Screen Media Films USA. 109 min...
Directed by Neil Burger Written by Leslie Dixon Cinematography by Jo Willems Edited by Tracy Adams & Naomi Geraghty Cast: Bradley Cooper, Robert...
Written & directed by Tom McCarthy Produced by Mary Jane Skalski, Michael London, Lisa Maria Falcone & McCarthy Released by Fox Searchlight...
What is it about “Wrecked” that pulls you in? It doesn’t necessarily distinguish itself in any particular way. In fact, it might remind...
Directed by Richard Press Produced by Philip Gefter Released by Zeitgeist Films USA. 84 min. Not Rated Bicycling around Manhattan on his 29th...
Written and directed by Will Canon Cinematography by Michael Fimognari Edited by Josh Schaeffer Cast: Trevor Morgan, Jon Foster, Lou Taylor Pucci...