“Hello Lonesome” is Adam Reid’s charming triptych dramedy revolving around the theme of loneliness and human connection. Plot #1...
“Richard’s Wedding” will begin its NY theatrical engagement at the reRun Theater in DUMBO this Friday, June 1st. Many cast and...
This weekend, “Richard’s Wedding” has its world premiere at the Sarasota Film Festival. The Inside, the Festival’s website...
[Article first appeared: ] Recently I’ve been running into Albert Maysles all over New York City. There was the interview, which was the...
Film Society of Lincoln Center screens Jesus Christ Superstar as part of Norman Jewison: Relentless Renegade, a career retrospective (May 25—30)...
I recently attended the press screening of the new British comedy “Submarine” directed by first-time feature filmmaker, Richard Ayoade...
After an amazing string of successes playing Mikael Blomkvist in all 3 film adaptations of Stieg Larsson’s Millenium Trilogy, actor Michael Nyqvist...
Friday, May 13, 2011 Every season Rooftop Films starts off with an evening of shorts. Last night, the opening of the 15th season, was no different. ...
The late Hal Ashby is receiving some long overdue lauding this month with BAM’s career spanning retrospective. Along side the usual suspects...
The Tribeca Film Festival has reached a milestone this year with its 10th anniversary. The festival, founded by Robert De Niro, Jane Rosenthal, and...
BAMcinématek Announces Lineup for 3rd Season of Cinemafest BAMcinématek announced its full slate for the 2011 season of Cinemafest (June 16-26) last...
Before “My Effortless Brilliance” and “Hump Day”, there was a Lynn Shelton film languishing in distribution limbo for over...
Janet Grillo, the writer/director/producer of “Fly Away” insists that her new film is not about a case of autism but, rather, about a...
I just got wind of the news that the war photographer, Tim Hetherington, was killed in Libya along side fellow photographer Chris Hondros. Tim was a...