Early in “Klown,” a Danish sex comedy released in the U.S. last week, the slow-witted, geeky, thirty-something Frank (Frank Hvam)...
While the planets may not have aligned so well for director Lars Von Trier at this year’s Cannes Film Festival where he was made persona non grata...
If not for actress (& co-screenwriter) Atsuko Okatsuka, “Littlerock” might have still been an average to above-average indie film. ...
In the popular media Ayrton Senna has often been portrayed as arrogant, a womanizer or driven (pun intended) despite all else. Asif Kapadia’s new...
Yikes! I can’t say I wasn’t warned. “Bellflower” gets under your skin and, like some sort of viral infection, it stays. ...
[Article originally appeared: ] What would you do if you found out your daughter had fallen prey to an online sex predator? “Trust” is...
An indie film fan’s wet dream, “True Adolescents” directed by Craig Johnson and which stars Mark Duplass in a role that...
Directed by Mike Cahill Produced by Hunter Gray, Cahill, Brit Marling & Nicholas Shumaker Written by Cahill & Marling Released by Fox...
Directed by Errol Morris Produced by Julie Bilson Ahlberg & Mark Lipson Released by Sundance Selects USA. 87 min. Rated R [Article originally...
Directed by Azazel Jacobs Produced by Alison Dickey, Alex Orlovsky, Lynette Howell & Hunter Gray Written by Patrick Dewitt Released by ATO...
Directed by Andrew Rossi Written & Produced by Kate Novack & Andrew Rossi Released by Magnolia Pictures USA. 88 min. Rated R. [Article...
Directed by Cindy Meehl Produced by Julie Goldman Released by Sundance Selects USA. 88 min. Not Rated [Originally article appeared: ] By the time...
Directed by Michael Winterbottom Produced by Andrew Eaton & Melissa Parmenter Released by IFC Films UK. 109 min. Not Rated With Steve Coogan...
Written & directed by Maria Sødahl Cinematography by Manuel Alberto Claro Edited by Jens Christian Fodstad Cast: Bryan Brown, Lena Endre &...
Written & directed by Richard Ayoade Edited by Chris Dickens & Nick Fenton Cinematography by Erik Wilson Executive Produced by Ben Stiller...