Filmmaker and comedian W. Kamau Bell ("United Shades of America") discusses his new documentary called "1000% Me: Growing Up Mixed" which is...
Patty Ivins Specht, the director of a new documentary about white supremacy and a unique solution to combatting it, "Deconstructing Karen". She's...
The actor Talia Balsam ("Worth", "Mad men") and the documentary filmmaker Johjn Maggio are the guests.
Andy Ostroy was married to the actor/director Adrienne Shelly who was killed in 2006. Here his story and watch his HBO documentary "Adrienne". Also...
Tim Robbins makes his first appearance with a dramatic performance called "We Live On", adapted from Studs Terkel's 1970 oral history of the Great...
Jamila Wignot ("Town Hall") returns to Filmwax with her new documentary, "Ailey" about the world famous choreographer Alvin Ailey. The film premieres...
This episode includes a conversation with Filmwax friend, the director Craig Zobel ("The Hunt") who has directed the entire 7 episodes of HBO's...