Ep 743: Lucia Small Remembered (1963-2022)

This special episode is a compilation of appearances by the recently deceased documentary filmmaker Lucia Small (“My Father, The Genius”, “One Cut, One Life”) who passed away at 59 of pancreatic cancer. She was a very special person and will be missed.

This special episode is a compilation of appearances by the recently deceased documentary filmmaker Lucia Small (“My Father, The Genius”, “One Cut, One Life”) who passed away at 59 of pancreatic cancer. She was a very special person and will be missed.

05:42Jump to Lucia Small segments

Lucia Small (“My Father, The Genius”, “The Axe in the Attic”) was on Filmwax Radio on two occasions.; once in 2014 and again in 2015. She was a great filmmaker, a warm and generous person, and a good friend to many. She made a small number of very personal documentaries, two of them with the late filmmaker Ed Pincus. The second film she made with Ed, “One Cut, One Life”, was about death —specifically the months Ed spent dealing with his own terminal illness— and came out after Ed died. Lucia found herself dealing with her own illness not long after and it finally caught up with her. But, to her great credit, she was able to produce one more documentary, albeit not a personal one. This last film is called “Girl Talk”. It has been enjoying success on the film festival circuit and also will come out on PBS in 2023 posthumously. I hope to invite someone from the film team on eventually to discuss that last film which is about a girl’s debate team and, more broadly about young women finding their voice in a world dominated by male voices. Lucia will be missed. She died of pancreatic cancer a few days ago. This episode is dedicated to her memory and to those who loved her.