The team behind a new documentary about the East Village iconic video shop Kim's Video with the filmmaking team of Ashley Sabin and David Redmon...
The animator/filmmaker Signe Baumane makes her first appearance on FIlmwax with her latest feature film, "My Love Affair With Marriage". Her film...
The documentary team of Christopher Knight ("The Brady Bunch") and Phil Viardo with their film "TrueLove"; and the subject of Mark Cousins' latest...
This episode focuses on a new documentary, the 2019 New York Film Festival hit "The Booksellers", with director D.W. Young and producers Judith...
Peter Bogdanovich makes his first appearance on the podcast to discuss two major projects: the Quad Cinema theatrical release of his new documentary...
“Godard Mon Amour” is a funny, charming film about the brief marriage of nouvelle vague film director Jean-Luc Godard and the late actress Anne...
Returning to the podcast, Lynn Shelton whose new drama, "Outside In" starring Edie Falco & Jay Duplass, will have its theatrical beginning 3/30 in...