The documentary filmmaker Alison O'Daniel makes her first appearance on the podcast to discuss her film "The Tuba Thieves" which will have its...
The iconic actor Judd Hirsch ("Taxi", "The Fablemans") is in a new indie comedy called "iMordecai" which opened on Friday, February 10th. Also...
Documentary filmmaker Phil Bertelsman discusses his new film "The Picture Taker" about Ernest Withers, a civil rights photographer turned FBI...
Giancarlo Esposito {"Breaking Bad", "Better Call Saul") is in a movie musical called "Stuck" about a diverse group of people stuck in a NYC subway...
Executive Producer for Independent Lens, Lois Vossen, returns for her second visit. The PBS documentary series began its new season this week. Also...
Lois Vossen, the Executive Producer of Independent Lens, is the first guest. A new season of the PBS documentary series begins tonight with a 10:00...
The filmmaking team behind the documentary "Newtown", director Kim Snyder & producer Maria Cuomo Cole. The film will have its broadcast premiere...
MoMA film curator Raj Roy returns to discuss the 46th New Directors/New Films, 3/15 - 3/26 . Tickets are currently available for most of the...