The Danish filmmaker whose short film "Knight of Fortune" has been nominated for an Oscar is up first. Then friend of Filmwax, film journalist and...
Filmwax welcomes the return of actor and musician Eszter Bailint to the podcast. In addition to Eszter's acting work over the many years (STRANGER...
This episode celebrates the memory of filmmaker Nancy Buirski who died recently, and her latest film, "Desperate Souls, Dark CIty and the Legend of...
Filmwax friends actor/photographer Richard Edson and author/filmmaker/artist Nick Ebeling both return to the pod to discuss their upcoming...
Recorded from the Radio Free Rhinecliff studios in Rhinecliff, New York, this conversation includes two special community activist types from the...
Mark Barden of Sandy Hook Promise, an organization he helped found after the killing of his son at the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012, is the...
Natalia Leites (HANDMAIDS'S TALE) returns to the podcast after many years to discuss her latest work including having directed the first 3 episodes...
Nick Broomfield (BIGGIE & TUPAC, AILEEN WUORNOS: THE SELLING OF A SERIAL KILLER) returns for his 3rd visit to the podcast. In this episode he...
Two documentary filmmakers making their first appearances on Filmwax: Sonia Kennebeck discusses her film "Reality Winner", now on streaming...
Filmwax celebrates 2 fascinating & relevant documentaries in this episode. In the 1st segment we have one of the co-directors, Jennifer Tiexiera...
The documentary filmmaker Vin Liota makes his first appearance on the podcast to discuss his recent film "Objects". Vin's film follows three unique...
The animator/filmmaker Signe Baumane makes her first appearance on FIlmwax with her latest feature film, "My Love Affair With Marriage". Her film...
The documentary team of Christopher Knight ("The Brady Bunch") and Phil Viardo with their film "TrueLove"; and the subject of Mark Cousins' latest...
The author Dwayne Epstein ("Lee Marvin: Point Blank") returns to the podcast to discuss his new book, "Killin' Generals: The Making of The Dirty...
Liz Abzug, daughter of Bella, is the guest. I invited Liz on to discuss her relationship with the director Jeff L. Lieberman, who made the...