Indie film distributor and founder of the streaming service Ovid, Jonathan Miller, is the guest. The streaming service is celebrating its first anniversary by appearing on the popular podcast Filmwax Radio! Also, producer/director of the new HBO documentary “We Are The Dream: The Kids of the Oakland MLK Oratorical Fest”, Amy Schatz, and producer Julie Anderson.
Indie film distributor and founder of the streaming service Ovid, Jonathan Miller, is the guest. The streaming service is celebrating its first anniversary by appearing on the popular podcast Filmwax Radio! Also, producer/director of the new HBO documentary “We Are The Dream: The Kids of the Oakland MLK Oratorical Fest”, Amy Schatz, and producer Julie Anderson.
[4 mins. 48 secs.] The director of the arthouse streaming service Ovid, Jonathan Miller is the guest. In addition to founding Ovid, Miller has been the President of Icarus Films, a distributor of independent films, for many years. Get a free one-week trial of Ovid right now or just subscribe for the very low price of $6.99 a month (or for the annual rate of $69.99).
[36 mins. 13 secs.] Every year, hundreds of children in pre-K through 12th grade participate in the Oakland MLK Oratorical Festival, a stirring public speaking competition where they perform poetry and speeches, both published and original, inspired by the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. In this segment Filmwax Radio is visited by director/producer Amy Schatz & producer Julie Anderson regarding their documentary “We Are the Dream: The Kids of the Oakland MLK Oratorical Fest” which is currently available on HBO having premiered recently in acknowledgment of Black History Month. It will soon become available to stream for free on