This is a round table discussion on the subject of filmmaker Paul Schrader. Among the 4 film nerds are yours truly, host Adam Schartoff, filmmaker Jeremy Workman, host of the popular podcast Wrong Reel, James Hancock, and podcast savant Chico Leo.

Aside from being the founder of the movie trailer company, Wheelhouse Creative, Workman is a filmmaker in his own right. His latest documentary, “The World Before Your Feet”, has its premiere this week at SxSW.
Most of Paul Schrader’s films are easy to stream/download. A quick look on Amazon/Amazon Prime brought up the following SVOD options: “Adam Resurrected”, “Light Sleeper”, “Hardcore”, “American Gigolo”, “Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters”, “Blue Collar”, “Affliction”, “Auto Focus”, “Cat People”, “The Canyons”, and more. On iTunes you can stream “Taxi Driver”, “Raging Bull”, “Light Sleeper”, “The Canyons”, “American Gigolo”, “Cat People”, “Affliction”, “Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters”, “Blue Collar”, “Auto Focus”, and more.