The Founder & Executive Director of the Woodstock Film Festival, Meira Blaustein, is the first guest. Then Toronto-based documentary filmmaker Alan...
Guests on this episode include programmer Colin Geddes who curates the Midnight Madness & Vanguard sections of TIFF; Dutch filmmaker Sam de Jong...
Oscilloscope producer Debra McClutchy discusses the restoration of Kelly Reichardt’s debut feature “River of Grass”. In the run...
To open this episode, a brief conversation with Women and Hollywood blogger, feminist Melissa Silverstein visits the podcast for the first time...
"St. Vincent" director Ted Melfi is up first; followed by documentary filmmaker Samir about his film "Iraqi Odyssey" which I caught at TIFF.
Guests include the creative team behind the new doc "The Yes Men Are Revolting" which had its world premiere recently at the Toronto International...
Film reviewer Kent Turner recounts his recent trip to the Toronto International Film Festival where he saw some 36 films. Kent’s writing may be...