Documentary filmmaker Sam Green makes his first appearance on the show. Sam has co-directed a new live documentary event with Joe Bini called “A Thousand Thoughts” which is being performed at The Town Hall in New York City this very evening. Sam and Joe have teamed up with Grammy-winning Kronos Quartet for a wildly creative multimedia performance piece that blends live music and narration with archival footage and filmed interviews with such prominent artists as Philip Glass, Tanya Tagaq, Steve Reich, Wu Man and Terry Riley. As Green tells the multi-decade and continent-spanning story of the groundbreaking string quartet, Kronos revisits its extensive body of work, performing music by George Crumb, Aleksandra Vrebalov and many others. Together on stage, Green and Kronos interact with the stirring cinematic imagery on screen to craft an important record and exploration of late 20th– and early 21st–century music. Transcending the typical live music and film event, this collaboration quickly becomes a meditation on music itself – the act of listening to it closely, the experience of feeling it deeply, and the power that it has to change the world. Some tickets are still available.
Filmmaker & creator of the documentary community website The D-Word, Doug Block returns for his third visit to the podcast. Doug’s second feature, “Home Page” is, on its 20th anniversary, will finally be available on streaming platforms such as iTunes and on DVD. Following one of the first and most notorious bloggers at the birth of the internet, Home Page shows us where our online navel gazing began and how it quickly led to where we are now.
This episode is dedicated to the memory of filmmaker Bill Siegel who passed away on December 11, 2018.
This episode is sponsored by Jett Sets, your place to go for virtual set design, implementation and consulting.